Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hamstrings, more Frozen Yogurt, and Strength

I have been good about my 1,000 Challenge. I did all of my lunges and such this morning before work. It feels good but, honestly, not as good as the first two times. Guess my body is already getting used it.
Oh, except for last Friday. I tweaked my hamstring while doing lunges and it hurt SO bad. I had twelve more to do and I pushed through ten more before being sure I was going to die from the pain. (I just added the leftover two to the next session). I took a break for a couple of days and was back on track on Monday.

I keep eating frozen yogurt. I am not even feeling guilty about anymore. I should feel guilty. It's not paleo but I am starting to customize this to what works for me. Could I be losing more weight? Yes. I am sure of it. But when my husband ordered a large pizza yesterday, I ate chicken and didn't touch it. Even though it looked so damn good.

So, I do have some strength in me. I stick to the plan more days than not. I read today that it isn't enough to have more good days than bad but going from someone who ate crackers, cereal, pasta, bread, and cookies on a regular basis, I disagree. Going from no good days to mostly good days is going to have to be good enough.

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